
The Old Testament in the Gospel Passion Narratives is unavailable, but you can change that!

Although the manner in which the Old Testament is used in the New Testament has been a popular field of inquiry since the earliest Christian centuries, it is especially in recent decades that a strong preoccupation with the subject has been manifest. The approach of this study takes its starting point from a New Testament theme, the passion of Jesus. The major part of this study will be devoted...

explanation by means of similar passages (the point of contact not necessarily verbal). Already in these middoth, there can be seen exemplified the two most characteristic hermeneutical techniques of Judaism: comparison and combination of texts, and an emphasis on single words in isolation. In reaction to the exegetical innovations introduced by R. Akiba,1 R. Ishmael b. Elisha is associated with the compilation of thirteen middoth which are closely related to those of Hillel. The only real addition
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